Friday 27 April 2012

Selling assets. Short term gain. Long term loss.

Selling assets is a great way for a government or council to carry on as usual but generate less debt in the process. Short term that is.

Long term they are selling their raining day supply and, even worse, committing future governments to additional spending.

This is why we have a complete inability to pay the rents for social housing in London. We sold them and build not more.

A good example is selling a house for £250,000 with a rental value of £12,500 / year.

This could either fund housing for four families for five years, or one indefinitely.

Often the money is consumed immediately and some local facilities are purchased with a great fanfare. But let's just pretend the money was used wisely.

The reduced strain on housing welfare is quickly filled due to both local and international demand. With no measures in place to encourage manageable population growth the population increases until the hardship threshold is met once more.

What happens in year six? We have no money left and four times the burden.

Well, that is another general election away, and not an immediate concern.

What about the hassle of managing it. The private sector does that better? Yes. Let the private sector manage it. Don't sell it..

I have attached a link to an example I found of a Conservative Councillor deciding on short term gain on a property in Earley recently. I found it on Google searching for 'wokingham borough council sell property'

So I thank you, on behalf of our children, for the burden of paying another landlords mortgage or perhaps four . . indefinitely. Another generation having to work that little bit harder.

I don't know whether to be mad at them for driving the middle and working classes into servitude, or sad that the majority of us keep giving them the privilege. Or sad that most of them are good people, with aspirations of success in business, enticed by the success of a corrupt few.

Just the first example I found on Google.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Contract out of corruption

There is a new trend in town. I'm very pleased and very keen.

'I will never seek financial gain from my influence as a public representative, for myself or anyone, now or in the future, other than in the way it generally benefits the people I have been elected to represent. Nor will I vote or decide on those issues in which my personal finances will put my objectivity in question, unless to do so publicly against those interests. I will request the same of my peers. My areas of conflict will be freely given.'

I Kazek Lokuciewski agree to the above.

Make sure your candidate will 

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Local elections 3rd May 2012, Wescott Wokingham Campaign Pledge

It’s voting time again.

Choosing which party to vote for should not be like supporting a football team that you stay loyal to through thick and thin. Your candidate must represent you

If like me you are of the mind that the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and Labour are now overly tied in with the management of banking, defence and energy companies, and that the results of these industries dictating policy are poverty, war and poor consumer rights, please vote Green in the local elections on Thursday 3rd May.

Different does not mean better. All of the parties will be promising change, even the party currently holding office.

I don’t expect everyone to share my concerns about overpopulation, the effect of our resource-grabbing on the developing world and the speed of life driving communities apart.

Hopefully we do share concerns about the vast inequality in our society that those on the minimum wage barely exist, and that their direct competition with foreign labour might make them worth even less to uk employers than they must pay them. Meanwhile someone who has managed to purchase an old farm and gain a planning permission for multiple residential will have instantly made millions.

State pensions are inadequate. Our private pensions are in the control of investors who gamble with them to extract the most profit using rules their friends in politics oversee. Doomed to grow slower than inflation.

Time and time again we are shown that petitions, marches and even riots have no effect on the corporates running the major parties. It’s business as usual.

The only way to start repairing the balance is to support a party that offers new high standards of transparency and integrity – the Green Party.

You might be concerned that they could ruin the economy with over-spending through poor understanding of economics. Well I’ve been looking into it and have come to the conclusion that at the heart of their manifesto are economic policies that are actually smart, innovative, intelligent but with a mission to stimulate growth by rewarding local work and doing things of value.
Don’t take my word for it. Just google Green Party Economics.

My name is Kazek Lokuciewski. I am 36, I was born in the UK, I grew up in Ascot and I have lived and worked in Wokingham for about 11 years. I have two children aged 6 and 2, I work full time, run a free chess club at my daughter’s school and pick up litter when I jog.

I ask that you vote for me as your local councillor. I plan to take a different approach: complete transparency, and listening to residents and really representing them.

I will insist that council should halt further large scale planning until the effects of what is already happening can be experienced by the people of Wokingham. When the new properties are occupied, the local schools are unable to cope and the congestion worse. We should perhaps then make some educated desisisions

Where plans include public services or road works, these should be completed first. Where possible, road works should be carried out between rush hours..

Reinstate public toilets or introduce signage and remuneration to the businesses who agree to take up the slack.

I also give you this pledge,  otherwise I could be working for someone else. And please expect something similar of the person you would like to vote for. It may just be a silver tongue.

'I will never seek financial profit from my influence as a public representative, for myself or anyone, now or in the future, other than in the way it generally benefits the people I have been elected to represent. Nor will I vote or decide on those issues in which my personal finances will put my objectivity in question, unless to do so publicly against those interests. I will request the same of my peers. My areas of conflict will be freely given.'

Please vote Green on Thursday 3rd May.

Friday 13 April 2012

Would not be allowed to vote in a Jury

If I were to accidentally injure someone in a car accident. Should their mother be allowed on the Jury?

If you were in court for tax evasion. Would the financial adviser who helped you do it be allowed to be on the jury. Or even the judge?

Tax avoidance (legalised evasion) is a very emotive point. Apparently off shore tax avoidance alone costs the UK around £60 billion each year. When they say cost they mean the tax that would be due from those wealthy people locally has to be found from those who do not have enough to make it worth while avoiding.

Every political party will be voicing their concerns and get the public to see them as championing their cause. This is called spin. Unless rules are made the money will always take the path of least resistance.

Tax and investment advisers all have a vested interest in tax affairs remaining a complicated science that can reap great rewards if played well. And they would never be allowed to decide on related matters in a court or local government.

There may be some tax and investment advisers who would vote for fairer rules, they must still play by the immoral rules since they would quickly go out of business if they did not. However, without the absence of their incentive we can not guarantee objectivity.

That is why they would not be allowed in the jury. That is why they should not be allowed to be the judge. That is why they should abstain from any parliamentary votes on matters that relate to the industry unless to openly vote against their personal best interests. Better still not be allowed in Parliament at all unless they remove themselves completely from any hope of financial gain from the industry outside the basic routes average to average people. Surely just representing your people and commanding a good living wage is reward enough.

So please. Irrespective of which party you wish to vote for. Make sure your candidate has no financial ties with tax avoidance schemes, or off shore wealth management, look also into defence and energy.

Just google their names and look for what they do as their other job.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Green bank crisis

The Green party promises a lot of things in the next election. So I'm playing devils advocate and looking for funding for their solutions.

Here is some good logic.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Some basics only the Greens have a chance at fixing.

Goods are imported with no duty to offset against the low costs of labour in poor countries where the welfare of the people may also be below that we will accept for our own low earners. As a result the value of local workers is below a living wage.

Our private pension funds, which we prey will beat inflation, are either sitting on land / property / savings or gambled in which ever way investments bankers can legally make themselves the most money.

Land is valued somewhere between what it should be worth as a going concern and would be worth if it had planning permission on it. If planning permission is granted the owner of a field can see their money multiply many times over. As a result someone who wishes to start an enterprise using agricultural land will find the start up costs prohibitive.

Every one of the above help those with money maintain it and grow it without doing anything of value. When you make money out of nothing there is always a cost elsewhere.

If it is that obvious why has it not been changed?

Those wishing to gain influence are allowed to finance civil servants eliminating any confidence in decision making being for the greater good.

Politicians are allowed to be employed by companies that may benefit from the decisions they make in their public service. Or shortly afterwards, good example Tony Blair and JP Morgan.

These can all be fixed.

Phase 1. Vote green.

Phase 2. Constitutionally get the profiteers out of politics and back into business.

We should provide them with the environment. Where we encourage them with vast income potential for creating innovative more efficient ways of doing things using local resources. Not gambling the cream off others savings, not rent taxing those wishing to have somewhere to sleep at night.