Friday, 13 April 2012

Would not be allowed to vote in a Jury

If I were to accidentally injure someone in a car accident. Should their mother be allowed on the Jury?

If you were in court for tax evasion. Would the financial adviser who helped you do it be allowed to be on the jury. Or even the judge?

Tax avoidance (legalised evasion) is a very emotive point. Apparently off shore tax avoidance alone costs the UK around £60 billion each year. When they say cost they mean the tax that would be due from those wealthy people locally has to be found from those who do not have enough to make it worth while avoiding.

Every political party will be voicing their concerns and get the public to see them as championing their cause. This is called spin. Unless rules are made the money will always take the path of least resistance.

Tax and investment advisers all have a vested interest in tax affairs remaining a complicated science that can reap great rewards if played well. And they would never be allowed to decide on related matters in a court or local government.

There may be some tax and investment advisers who would vote for fairer rules, they must still play by the immoral rules since they would quickly go out of business if they did not. However, without the absence of their incentive we can not guarantee objectivity.

That is why they would not be allowed in the jury. That is why they should not be allowed to be the judge. That is why they should abstain from any parliamentary votes on matters that relate to the industry unless to openly vote against their personal best interests. Better still not be allowed in Parliament at all unless they remove themselves completely from any hope of financial gain from the industry outside the basic routes average to average people. Surely just representing your people and commanding a good living wage is reward enough.

So please. Irrespective of which party you wish to vote for. Make sure your candidate has no financial ties with tax avoidance schemes, or off shore wealth management, look also into defence and energy.

Just google their names and look for what they do as their other job.

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