Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Some basics only the Greens have a chance at fixing.

Goods are imported with no duty to offset against the low costs of labour in poor countries where the welfare of the people may also be below that we will accept for our own low earners. As a result the value of local workers is below a living wage.

Our private pension funds, which we prey will beat inflation, are either sitting on land / property / savings or gambled in which ever way investments bankers can legally make themselves the most money.

Land is valued somewhere between what it should be worth as a going concern and would be worth if it had planning permission on it. If planning permission is granted the owner of a field can see their money multiply many times over. As a result someone who wishes to start an enterprise using agricultural land will find the start up costs prohibitive.

Every one of the above help those with money maintain it and grow it without doing anything of value. When you make money out of nothing there is always a cost elsewhere.

If it is that obvious why has it not been changed?

Those wishing to gain influence are allowed to finance civil servants eliminating any confidence in decision making being for the greater good.

Politicians are allowed to be employed by companies that may benefit from the decisions they make in their public service. Or shortly afterwards, good example Tony Blair and JP Morgan.

These can all be fixed.

Phase 1. Vote green.

Phase 2. Constitutionally get the profiteers out of politics and back into business.

We should provide them with the environment. Where we encourage them with vast income potential for creating innovative more efficient ways of doing things using local resources. Not gambling the cream off others savings, not rent taxing those wishing to have somewhere to sleep at night.

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